How To Sell Your Jewelry with Vivid Diamonds

How To Sell Your Jewelry with Vivid Diamonds

Written by: Alon Ruschin


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Time to read 5 min

Vivid diamonds
Bouquet of flowers and ring
Welcome to our blog. Today we are going to dive into how to sell your unwanted engagement ring, diamond ring or fine jewelry. Unwanted diamonds & jewelry may seem like insignificant items when they are sitting in your jewelry box collecting dust. Your diamond jewelry may no longer fit, your vintage jewelry may be broken. Selling Vintage jewelry, used engagement rings, wedding band, designer jewelry and antique jewelry is easier than ever. Unlock the value of your undesired jewelry and turn it into a financial asset by getting the highest price for your diamond jewelry or engagement ring. Selling your unwanted fine jewelry can be a very intimidating task. To get a fair price it's important that you follow these steps to maximize and get the highest price for your diamond jewelry or engagement ring
Tiffany ringSapphire Ring
Ruby Necklace
Engagement Ring

Organize & Store Properly

Jewelry box

The first step is to organize your jewelry, separate diamonds from gemstones & group jewelry by type (rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.) It is important to store diamond jewelry properly, diamonds can scratch other diamonds. Make sure to separate your engagement ring from your diamond jewelry because it will scratch your jewelry.

Clean Your Jewelry

Scrubbing ring


big diamond

Step two is to clean your jewelry with dish soap and a toothbrush. To ensure you get the very best price for your jewelry, it must look its best—Scrub underneath the center stone and all the crevasses to get rid of dirt and oils. Once you have finished scrubbing, rinse the ring thoroughly under running water. Be sure to rinse off all the soap suds to avoid leaving any residue on your ring. After rinsing, pat the ring dry with a clean, lint-free cloth. Avoid using paper towels or tissues, which can leave fibers on your ring.

Get Your Jewelry Appraised

Man inspecting jewelry

man louping diamond
Step three is a crucial step in selling your jewelry: Get your jewelry appraised. It is essential that it is done by GIA-trained gemologists who will provide a professional appraisal. They should inspect and test the precious metals, provide the carat weight estimation, the diamond's quality, and clarity grade, as well as a determination of whether it is lab-grown diamonds or natural diamond. They should be able to gauge the true market value and give you a good idea of what the resale value is. Diamond prices fluctuate just like the stock market, this is why having an appraiser that is in touch with the market of buying and selling diamonds, antique jewelry, vintage jewelry, designer jewelry, branded jewelry, loose diamonds, and gemstone jewelry, is imperative. One thing to understand about appraisals is that it is a person's opinion, it's not necessarily what someone would write a check for. When selling your jewelry or diamonds, ask for an appraisal at fair market value, not a retail replacement value. This will give you a better reflection of the liquidation value. Often the actual true value is a fraction of the original sales price.
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Who To Sell My Jewelry To

The next step to sell your jewelry is to decide how you want to sell your jewelry. There are many options to sell your jewelry. You can sell jewelry online, at jewelry stores, local jewelers, local diamond buyers, pawn shops, consignment shops, and on online marketplace such as eBay or Esty. Selling diamond jewelry online can be very risky. There are scams everywhere and it is easy for people to take advantage of you. Selling jewelry online can be risky, and can also attract high commission rates, which means less money in your pocket. Local jewelers are the next option, they should be diamond buyers and jewelry sellers that have experience in selling luxury goods. Reputable diamond buyers and jewelry sellers will have GIA-trained gemologists. Professional jewelry buyers will be accredited by the American Gemologist Association, JBT, and JVC. Having these affiliations is very important. A pawn shop is your quickest option. Most pawn shop stores do not have properly trained experts so they take guesses at the true value, which means less money in your pocket.

How To Sell Your Jewelry with Vivid Diamonds

pawn shopeBay

woman at vivid diamonds

Photograph & Inventory

iphone or android

Photograph your jewelry with high-quality images. It doesn't hurt to take an inventory of what you own with images, you never know what can happen. A modern Iphone or andriod will do just fine. Keep the photos safe.

Pros & Cons

The final step in selling jewelry is to Weigh the pros and cons of selling your engagement ring or jewelry online, to a pawn shop, a diamond buyer, or jewelry store. Online buyers are risky and can take high commissions. Pawnshops are quick money, and jewelry stores have high expenses. Take all this into consideration and then gather your clean jewelry, diamond grading report, and appraisals and head to your diamond buyers, jewelry stores, online marketplace or jewelry buyers to present all your documents & jewelry.
The best place to sell your diamond jewelry, engagement ring, gemstone jewelry, loose diamonds, wedding ring, diamond ring, family heirloom, and other fine jewelry is Vivid Diamonds in Miami. They are the most reputable diamond buyer and jewelry buyers in Miami. They have a proven track record of paying the highest prices which makes them the best diamond buyer. Vivid Diamonds has a fully trained staff of diamond experts and GIA-trained gemologists. Vivid Diamonds buys and sells over 6000 pieces of jewelry and loose diamonds a year. They cut their own diamonds and can improve and repair them, allowing you to get the highest price paid for your engagement ring and diamond rings. They have built a worldwide network of retail stores, private clients, and online marketplaces, They also exhibit at trade shows worldwide. Vivid Diamonds is known for providing honest and excellent customer service and will make sure that the selling process goes smoothly and confidently. If you are local to Miami, you can submit an online submission form on our contact us page to make an appointment. If you aren't local to Miami, selling diamonds and engagement rings is easy with Vivid Diamonds. Simply fill out our online form on our "contact us" page, and please be sure to include your diamond grading reports, appraisals, documentation and contact information. Sell your jewelry with confidence at Vivid Diamonds, Miami's premier diamond buyer.
We hope this takes the fear out of selling your unwanted diamond jewelry. By following these outlined steps of organizing, cleaning, and getting appraisals, you can better understand your jewelry's value and present it in the best way possible. Weighing your options for selling your diamond jewelry, engagement ring, designer jewelry, new jewelry, antique jewelry, vintage jewelry, and signed jewelry, will help you make an informed decision. Vivid Diamonds in Miami stands out as the premier diamond buyer, offering an excellent customer experience with a proven track record of paying the highest prices. Trust Vivid Diamonds for a smooth and confident selling process.
woman in vault